March 12, 2019

Tips To Help With Anxiety

anxiety, relationships

The fear of the unknown is experienced by almost every human being daily. These fears result in some psychological stress. In reaction to the stress, the body develops anxiety which is characterized by the feeling of nervous. In the United States alone, 40 million adults suffer from anxiety .

Anxiety is treatable using various anti-anxiety drugs which are however not free of side effects. Some of the common side effects of these drugs include, jumpiness, decreased libido, affecting sleep, and feeling of hunger.

Fortunately, there are ways to help treat anxiety. I am going to discuss a few below (Legg, 2017).

Avoid caffeine

Caffeine is the most common substance people take to feel refreshed; it could be a bottle of coke, a mug of coffee, chocolate among others. Caffeine stimulates our bodies boosting energy levels and hence the good feeling after taking it.

However, it can also result in negative stimulation of the nervous energy thus causing anxiety, especially when under pressure. Instead of decreasing the anxiety caffeine is likely to make the feeling worse.

Giving up caffeinated drinks and food is a significant step towards reducing anxiety.  Giving up the habit entails decreasing the amount of caffeine you consume daily until you completely rid yourself of the physical craving (Legg, 2017).

Do Exercises

Physical exercise stimulates serotonin and endorphins which affects emotions making one feel better. In most cases people feeling anxious are not likely to engage in physical activity because of the low feeling as well as the fear of worsening the anxiety. However, exercise actually achieves the opposite.

First, it helps in diverting the mind from the stressor by focusing it on the current physical activity. Secondly, the release of the serotonin and endorphin hormones makes you feel better. Thirty minutes of exercise daily will help in ending anxiety as well as keeping you healthy (Legg, 2017).

Give Yourself Adequate Sleep

Workaholic people rarely sleep in order to meet particular targets or shorten the period of achieving their targets. Although everyone wants to be the most committed or exceptional in a competitive world, the human body requires some sleep.

Sleep plays a crucial role in resting the body and mind to help one wake feeling refreshed. Continued sleep deprivation is likely to result in anxiety. Sleeping for eight to nine hours is very crucial for the body and will help in preventing anxiety.

Good sleeping routine with relaxing activity before sleep will prevent anxiety and bad health (Legg, 2017).