Clinical Hypnosis

What is clinical hypnosis?

Clinical hypnosis is a therapeutic technique that uses focused attention, deep relaxation, and guided imagery to help you enter a state of heightened focus and awareness. In this state, you are more receptive to positive suggestions and can access deeper parts of your mind to address psychological, emotional, and physical challenges. In this state you are more open to positive suggestions and can access deeper parts of your mind to address psychological, emotional and physical challenges. Conducted by trained professionals’ hypnosis is often used in conjunction with other therapies to treat anxiety, pain and stress related disorders.

As an adjunct with other methods of therapy, hypnosis may be beneficial to re-frame self-defeating behaviors in the sub-conscious mind.

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What are the benefits of clinical hypnosis?

  • Reduces stress and relaxes
  • Alleviates symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • Manages pain
  • Improves focus
  • Supports habit and behaviour change, such as quitting smoking or weight loss

How does clinical hypnosis bring positive change?

  • Develops non-judgmental awareness of thoughts, helping you observe them without reacting emotionally or getting caught in unhelpful patterns
  • Access to subconscious thoughts and beliefs
  • New healthier perspectives and habits
  • Reduces emotional and physical distress
  • Mind-body connection
  • Faster emotional healing

What clinical hypnosis can help with

  • Anxiety and phobias
  • Chronic pain, including migraines
  • Stress and burnout
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances
  • Addictions, such as smoking or overeating
  • Trauma and emotional distress
  • Confidence and self-esteem issues
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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I be hypnotized if I’m sceptical? Yes, most people can enter a hypnotic state if they are open to the process, even if they are sceptical.

Will I lose control during hypnosis? No, hypnosis is a collaborative process, and you remain in control and aware throughout the session.

How many sessions will I need to see results? This varies from person to person, but many people see benefits after 3-6 sessions.

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If you have any questions about the above, please feel free to call us.